Sunday, March 17, 2019

What makes a good digital story? I think there are a few elements that go into making a good story. It is kind of like making the perfect stew because it is the mix of ingredients that make it good. I think one of the most important parts is the conflict. I have written a couple of blogs about why I think conflict is important. Conflict is what is happening between the person in the story and the outside forces against them.  For me one reason conflict is important is it makes the story more interesting and gets the reader more invested in the story. In Slenderman you feel the conflict between the girl in the story and the Slenderman. You can feel the tension and fear in the story, and it keeps you reading to find out what happens. Here she is face to face with the Slenderman, “The girl was trapped between the instinct to flee and the gut feeling to not turn her back on the door” You can feel her fear in this sentence, and it helps you be able to put yourself in her shoes. In the cave adventure interactive story, you have conflict between you, the adventurer, and the cave itself but also with the gnomes and pirates who are out to get you. When you have a good conflict, you feel like you are a part of the story and that is why you continue reading.  I think conflict and plot go hand in hand and that is why my next point is the plot of a story. The plot is very important in making a good digital story. The plot is what the story is about, what is going on in the story, what is the point of it, where is the story going? In Slenderman we are running from a freakishly scary man, in cave adventure we are exploring caves and getting robbed by pirates, in [Text] A Summer Story we are talking to a ghost through text messages, and in all we are fully immersed in the story because the plot grabs your attention and demands that you finish reading. Some plots are interactive and that can be exciting.  I hadn't experienced many interactive digital stories until recently, but I think they are fun and entertaining. It's always stimulating to feel like you are a part of the story.  When you feel invested in the story you are more likely to finish it and maybe reread it later. When a story doesn’t have a good plot line or a conflict that grabs your attention you are less likely to be entertained or even continue reading.

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